What is the address of Borun's headquarters?
Bohai Industrial Park (Yangkou Town), Shouguang, Shandong 262715, PR China
What is your ticker, and on what exchange do you trade? When did Borun become a public company?
We are listed on New York Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol "BORN" from our initial public offering in June 2010.
When does Borun's fiscal year end?
Our fiscal year ends on December 31.
How can I obtain a copy of Borun's Annual Report or Investor Packet?
Annual reports and investor packets are available via this website.
Alternatively, please contact:
Jinmiao Wang
Phone: +86-536-545 1199 (China)
E-mail: Jinmiao.wang@chinanewborun.com
Alternatively, please contact:
Jinmiao Wang
Phone: +86-536-545 1199 (China)
E-mail: Jinmiao.wang@chinanewborun.com
Who is Borun's independent auditor?
BDO China Shu Lun Pan Certified Public Accountants LLP
Who is Borun's external legal counsel?
Proskauer Rose LLP